#3 Pope of Ohio tackles walking and talking snakes… and funerals. Victoria Ryan, November 8, 2021November 8, 2021 This is the first episode in the “Reviewing My Catholic Education” series. We start at the beginning–the waaay back beginning–and move to the lessons we learned from the stories of creation, Adam & Eve, Noah, and the Tower of Babel. We also hear the first “And Another Thing” editorial from the voice of the Pope of Ohio about Catholic funerals. Can sola scriptura, walking snakes, and purgatory-revisited be far behind? So brush up on your Catholic education–or learn it for the first time. (Psst! No homework assignments!) https://anchor.fm/victoria-ryan3 And another thing .... And another thing .... Pope of Ohio Adam & EveBook of GenesiscreationNoahPope of OhioPrehistoryTower of Babel