Summer Fun with Numbers of the Bible continues. Step 1 & 2 of Meditation: Relax. Ask God to join you. Tell God something on your mind. Then read the prompt. SIX is symbolic of imperfection or incompleteness (it’s not yet seven and seven is perfect). Six symbolizes a time of…
Category: Prayer
Guided meditation/contemplation

2–Opposites or Puzzle Pieces?
Duality is often the symbolic meaning of the number two in biblical texts: either opposing entities like light/dark, good/evil, Alpha/Omega; or complementary elements like material world/spiritual world, human/divine, male/female. Two may symbolize a pair, a couple, twins, or a choice. Modern Christians often think of Old Testament/New Testament, two of…

1–Is the Bible Wrong???
One symbolizes primacy, singleness, individual, absoluteness, first or best. There is one butterfly in this image, and one source of light. Your church has one altar, one tabernacle, one baptismal font and one pulpit. We have one Communion. There is one Lord of all. In the words of Saint Terese…

Zero and God
We begin our Summer Fun with Biblical Numbers with a guided meditation on zero. Step 1: Still yourself and your surroundings. Step 2: Start with the Sign of the Cross, welcome God, and read today’s prompt: Zero has an interesting history. Many ancient cultures had no numeral for it. The…

Feast of the Ascension
READ the IMAGE: This holy card, like the vast majority of Ascension art, has both a heaven and an earth element. Jesus ascends into “heaven” with His full resurrected body. This shows that He retains His humanity and divinity forever. The people watching Jesus from earth vary from artist to…

9th Fruit: Self Control
Today is the last installment of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit mini-meditations. Check below for what’s coming next. INTRODUCTION (you can skip this if you are already following the Fruits of the Holy Spirit series.) We continue our mini-meditations on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Saint Paul’s letter…

5–High Five, or Lows?
Summer Fun with Numbers in the Bible. Steps 1 and 2 of Guided Meditation: Relax. Ask God to sit with you. Bring up any concerns you have. Read the prompt: As we have already seen, not all numbers are “symbolic” in the bible. Rather, certain numbers just make us think…

4–Earth, Soil, Gospels, Lengthy
Summer Fun with the biblical meaning of numbers continues with FOUR. Steps 1 & 2 for meditation/contemplation: Relax. Ask Jesus to join you. Read the following prompt: FOUR symbolizes the world, the material universe. There are four directions (north, south, east, west), four seasons, and four earth elements (earth air,…

Pentecost: Happy Birthday, Church!
READ the IMAGE: Mary, the Mother of God, the Apostles and disciples are gathered together. The elevated floor and steps refer to the “upper room” where the disciples prayed until God sent them “help”; the “Paraclete” who is the third Person of the Holy Trinity. Mary is center stage because…