I’m Listening: Praying with Art & Story
(Based on Victoria’s book by the same name)
Audience: Upperclassmen in High School and Adults of any age
Themes: The “right brain” appeal of praying with holy cards; brief history and purpose of holy cards; symbolism of vintage holy cards; meditation with holy cards; (importance of meditation and contemplation); personalizing holy cards by bible verse and spiritual dates.
The theme of praying with story using a take-off of The Dark Night of the Soul (spiritual emptiness, desolation and consolation, the purgative, illuminative, and unitive paths) in the 20-step “Journey of the Lost Sheep..”
Activities: Applying symbolism to participants’ holy cards; guided meditation prayer session with or without group sharing; viewing group’s holy cards (students could bring grandparent’s holy cards)
Time Frame: 1-2 hours
Why You Need to Keep a Journal
Audience: Adults any age; Senior Programs
Themes: Forms of journals, examples of historic journals; non-written journals, journals as your legacy, journaling for health, journaling to share
Formats: Lecture with PowerPoint, writing time, large and small group discussion time; hands-on craft-like activity possible
Time Frames: 30 minutes to an hour
Past Presentations
- U. of Cincinnati Continuing Ed (Three People to Please in Writing)
- Catholic Writers Online Conference (Journals; Revision in Writing)
- Books by the Banks (Revision in Writing)
- St. Peter in Chains PTO (Journals)
- Mercy Hospital Auxiliary (Journals)
- Ohio Valley Romance Writers of America Conference (Where I Get My Ideas)

Growing Spiritually After Divorce
(Based on the CareNote that Victoria wrote)
Audience: Adults who are separating or are divorced (even years ago) and adults who want to know how to help.
Themes: Relationships that change; why it’s difficult to pray; the first paradox (God and Church); misconceptions about Church teachings; starting where you are today; two spiritual challenges; the second paradox (light at the end of the tunnel)
Format: Lecture with Q & A
Time Frame: 30 minutes to an hour
Pet Loss and Why It Matters
(based on Victoria’s award-winning book When Your Pet Dies, and her CareNote When a Family Pet Dies.)
Audience: Can be prepared for adults or children
Themes: Different reasons for pet loss; anticipating death; funeral; burial; considering afterlife; grief; how to work through grief and why it’s necessary
NOTE: Death of a grandparent often comes up and strategies for parents and caregivers can be given on this as well
Activities: Lecture with Q & A
Time Frame: 30 minutes to an hour
COMING: Critical thinking skills we all need if we read newspapers and books, watch news programs, vote, and/or converse with others who don’t share our viewpoint.